

It all clicked for me on the deck of a rollicking tour boat off the coast of Maui. There, gathered with a flock of equally enthralled nature lovers, I saw whales gliding in and out of the Pacific surf, occasionally stopping to investigate the latest crop of floating tourists who had steamed into the neighborhood.

One humpback in particular caught my attention. He did a “spy hop” – pushing slowly up out of the water like a giant, living periscope – and looked me right in the eye. Or so I thought. I was convinced he had something to tell me, even if it was just to say “good afternoon” That was it, I was hooked. I decided then and there to put my training skills to use to help other interpreters find the best means to share their knowledge and dedication.

I’m grateful to that whale for capturing my attention. He pointed me in the direction of a stimulating and rewarding profession, one which gives me the privilege of helping interpreters develop their skills. They in turn help the public to crystallize their understanding of the heritage of our cultural, historical and natural world. Whether they’re on safari in Africa or simply taking in the new exhibit downtown on their lunch hour, I am delighted to be able to help cultivate people’s passion about the world around them. It’s easy, because I am still passionate myself.

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